Praying and reading the Bible are two of the key ways that we grow as followers of Christ and in our relationship with God.

You may have a daily pattern of prayer and Bible reading already, but whether you do or not, here are some resources, links and suggestions that we hope will help. A Morning and Night Prayer booklet is available to download below.

Morning and Night Prayer Download

Daily Prayer and Bible Study

Engaging with the Bible and spending time in prayer provide the bedrock for a deepening relationship with God. Below you will find links to various resources that you can use from home each day.


Morning, Evening and Night Prayer
The daily ‘offices’ have been prayed for centuries and offer something liturgical that become familiar over time. Saying Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer will take around 15 minutes and Night prayer is quite a bit shorter. There are traditional language versions available if that’s your preference. You can find these services - complete with the correct daily psalms and readings already inserted on the Church of England website or in a wonderful app for your smartphone or tablet (search Daily Prayer in Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.)

Reflections for Daily Prayer
Available as a book or an app, Reflections gives you a reading and a short reflection from some of the UK�s leading clergy and scholars. We use this each day in church. Both the book and the app offer the option to set your reading and reflection within a simple morning prayer.

Time to Pray
Just like Daily Prayer, but Prayer During the Day and Night Prayer. Download

Developed by the 24/7 Prayer team, Lectio365 is a great app for a contemporary, short time of prayer, thought and Bible reading. Lasting for around 5 to 10 minutes, you can choose whether you read or listen.

Bible in One Year
This is another great option if you have a little bit more time. Each day is themed and includes a reading from the Old Testament, the New Testament and either a Psalm or a passage from Proverbs. After each of the readings, Nicky Gumbel helps us to engage with what we’ve read through his inspiring reflections. This will take between 20 minutes and half and hour and is available online, via app (search BIOY in App Store or Google Play) or you can sign up to have it emailed to you. This is another one that you can choose either to read or listen to - the readings are beautifully read by David Suchet!

This is a free daily resource from Scripture Union available online. It is themed each day and includes Bible readings with a commentary. Again, you can choose to sign-up and they will email them straight to you.

London Internet Church
St Stephen’s, Walbrook stream morning and evening prayer each day. They also offer options like light a candle and say a prayer online.

If you are looking on behalf of a relative who isn’t online, you will find daily prayer books for sale in the usual places to be delivered including Church House Publishing. Bible reading notes can be ordered to come through the post from organisations such as Scripture Union and the Bible Reading Fellowship.