Midhurst and Easebourne Mothers’ Union Midhurst and Easebourne Mothers’ Union is an active group that meets once a month in Midhurst Parish Church on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm unless the programme states alternative arrangements. A programme of events is on the Notice Board in the church. Twice a year they celebrate with a Corporate Communion Service. The group is deeply committed to the Diocesan Prayer Chain. Members play an active part in the Chichester District Activities. In 2022 they hosted the District Eucharist Service led by the Midhurst Vicar. Many members are actively involved in church life and the community. They annually make posies for the Mothering Sunday Service and serve teas at the Relaxed Carol Service. They contribute regularly to Mothers’ Union Worldwide Projects by raising money with raffles and Bring and Buy Stalls at their meetings. They have various social events :- Garden Party, Afternoon tea and Coffee mornings at member’s houses an annual outing is also organised.
They support Worldwide appeals :- Prison Week, Anti – Slavery Day and 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence – the latter was supported by the group with a 3 minute Vigil outside the Parish Church. Several years they have had displays to celebrate Marriage week. The Branch has a committee of seven members and is part of the Chichester District with two representatives on that committee. Members regularly attend the Mothers’ Union Diocesan General Meetings and AGM and the World-wide Conference. The group welcomes new members and visitors to their meetings and is thinking of new ways to meet to attract younger members. Anyone who would be interested in knowing more, please contact 01730 813384 or email: nsim39@btinternet.com The Mothers’ Union website gives a lot of useful information on the Worldwide Organisation which consists of 4 million members.
Loving Lord, We thank you for your love so freely given to us all. We pray for families around the world. Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life. Empowered by your Spirit may we be united in prayer and worship and in love and service reach out as your Hands across the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen